Par auteur > Bendraou Reda

Rest Web Services with Jersey
Reda Bendraou  1, 2, *@  
1 : Université Paris Nanterre  (UPN)  -  Site web
Université Paris Nanterre, Université Paris Nanterre
2 : Université Paris 6  (LIP6)  -  Site web
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6
* : Auteur correspondant

Rest Web Services have become mainstream and all companies are switching from SOAP web services to REST. The main reasons are: web oriented, scalable, multiple exchange format, and bookmarkable. In this tutorial we will go through the main concepts of the REST architecture, the technology stack and the best practices to have in mind while designing a REST Architecture. The Jersey implementation will be used at this aim along with the JAX-RS specification. 


Reda Bendraou : Since 2016, I am Professor @Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense while I keep doing my research at the LIP6 Lab University of Pierre & Marie Curie, Sorbonne Universitas, (UPMC), Paris, FRANCE. I defended my HDR (Habilitation à diriger des Recherches) in Dec. 2015 and a PhD in computer science in Sept. 2007 , both at the LIP6 Computer Science lab, under the supervision of Professor Marie-Pierre Gervais. After my PhD, I joined, Professor Jean-Marc Jezequel's team for a Post-Doc, @ INRIA Rennes. In 2015, I was a visiting researcher/lecturer working with Professors Lori Clarke and Leon Osterweil @ the Computer Science Lab, @ University of Massachusetts from Jan to August 2015. In 2017, I was an invited professor at the KAIST (Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), Daegeon, South Korea. I was also assistant professor at the IUT, University of Paris 5 where I had to teach courses on Operating systems, Networks, and Internet programming languages. I am also since 2004, an active OMG (Object Management Group) member and I have participated in the standardization efforts of the SPEM2 OMG standard


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